What is 4Ger

4Ger is short for 4Geriatrics. 4Ger is a free email service that gives you a monthly overview of the most interesting abstracts of original articles and reviews published in four prominent geriatric journals: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, Alzheimer's and Dementia, American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. It’s easy to do and knowledge is for everyone, so sign up now.

Impact Factor 3.8
The JAGS is possibly one of the most renowned geriatric journals. Founded in 1953. Published by Wiley.
Impact Factor 11.6
The most highly ranked journal in the fields of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Published by Elsevier.
Impact Factor 5.4
One of the leading journals on aging. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A publishes within its covers Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. Published by Oxford University Press
Impact Factor 4.2
The official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier.

Editorial Team 4Ger

M.A. Pouw MD, MSc
M.A. Pouw is Editor in Chief of 4Ger. She is a resident internal medicine at the Martiniziekenhuis in Groningen and a Phd-candidate of the University Center of Geriatric Medicine Groningen.
S.J.E. Beishuizen MD, MSc
S.J.E. Beishuizen is editor of 4Ger. She is a resident in Geriatric Medicine at the Slotervaart MC and Erasmus MC.
L. Tap MD, PhD
L. Tap is editor of 4Ger. She is a resident in Geriatric Medicine at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. She obtained her PhD in November 2020 by studying consequences of renovascular aging in late life.
J.C.M. Rooijakkers MD, MSc
J.C.M. Rooijakkers is Editor in Chief of 4Ger. She is a resident in Geriatric Medicine at the Erasmus MC.
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Although we have a large team, we can always use additional help! Interested? Send us a message using the form at the bottom of the site!
Looking for you!
Although we have a large team, we can always use additional help! Interested? Send us a message using the form at the bottom of the site!
Looking for you!
Although we have a large team, we can always use additional help! Interested? Send us a message using the form at the bottom of the site!

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